Another early upload! Mostly due to this insane heat and there being thing else i could will myself to do except sit and draw. I’m getting a nice breeze now, though.
Posts Tagged smoke
What, you guys wanted making out? Silly readers! It’s only chapter 2! 😉 Though there is only one more page in this chapter.
Don’t forget to like Fritz on face book!
you know what this comic needs more of? The Lembertson Brothers.
I really love Eric and Lars, and the next 2 chapters will feature them more now that Fritz and Eddie’s basic relationship is set up.
I like this page, I enjoy the strong blacks. 🙂
aha! page two! A bit late, but its here!
I don’t have much to say about this page, so I hope you all enjoy it!
And thats the end of chapter 4! Â I hope you all enjoyed it!
I’ll be taking the next couple of weeks off, to get the next chapter ready.  Also, The Quick and Dirty Life of Fritz Fargo turns one year old on November 11th!  Isn’t that exciting?  (Most web-comics take off in their second year, right?)
Have a happy Halloween and I’ll see you again a little later today for something more festive 🙂