Fritz Fargo
aka John Simmons
A tiny firework of a boy, Fritz demands all eyes on him at all times. True fame and fortune would be cool, but this kid really just wants to have a good time!
Eddie Van Houten
Eddie is hugely skilled in music and full of potential, but is held back by his demure nature. A million dollar heart and a nickle head, Eddie is destined for great things, if he can just summon the courage to move forward.
Eric Lembertson
Eric is convinced he will be the next big thing, though he doesn’t really know what that thing will be… but it’ll be BIG!
Lars Lembertson
The quieter of the two, Lars simply knows when to hold his tongue and not get involved. He has his own things going on, but also stays by his brother.
Pearl Jamison
Focused and driven, a self made business woman and single mother. Pearl is a deeply compassionate woman, but has very little tolerance for fools.
Nemmi Tan
Nemmi knows exactly want she wants; a rich career, loving husband, wonderful children and proud parents… she just isn’t sure how to accomplish it all.
Seth Morgan
Highly skilled painter/song writer/poet for hire, odds are you’ve enjoyed Seth’s work many times, but never heard his name. Passionate and volatile, he likes to keep himself busy with work.
Mona Mona
No drive, no direction, no problem. Mona is perfectly content to coast through life, working only enough to get by so she can spend her time getting high and ignoring her actual problems.