Forced to Drive page 40
This page is dedicated to everyone who helped me replace my hard drive last week! I still can’t get over the kindness everyone showed <3
If this page looks weird, its because its the first thing I scanned since getting my laptop back, and I totally forgot my old scanner settings! I think it looks pretty much the same?
If you dig Fritz, please help support it by sharing it, buying HEAD or joining my Patreon!
Fritz’s faces are all kinds of amazing on this page haha
I’d say the page looks the same scanned but maybe a tad clearer? Either way super good! Thanks for the update~~ Hope Seth won’t track his card anytime soon x___x
He knows what’s up. Eddie knows what’s coming oooo mhnnn
Boy you should have taken a check and cashed it or used his ATM card then he wouldn’t have a paper trail