Xanadu page 31
Things are still crazy over here on my end, but it should be all sorted out soon! Only a few pages left in this chapter, FYI!
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Things are still crazy over here on my end, but it should be all sorted out soon! Only a few pages left in this chapter, FYI!
If you dig Fritz, please help support it by sharing it, buying HEAD or joining my Patreon!
Ah yes, the “real” Fritz without all that make-up and cool hair. I see that won’t upset Fritz at all! I am really loving this arc.
Oh boy, as someone who has gone through a few emotional breakdowns, I think that if anyone told me during those states that I was being the “real me”, I would probably feel even shittier. I may only be speaking for myself, but, although a breakdown usually leads to expressing pent up emotions, they come out distorted and at most reveal only a different facet of a person. So yeah, Eddie isn’t a terrible person, but he can be pretty shitty! (which I think is one of the points of this chapter)
sjkskdkcksjxjc ok but EheM this webcomic is currently my life support and im screamin
the style is absolutely amazing and jus t siGH
“Now that you aren’t who you are anymore I can love you for how I want you to be.” ah Eddie….. keep on … keepin’ on………………
I’m so torn for Fritz!! As for Eddie first think , then talk homeboy :/
Wow I just bingeread this entire thing. As an abuse survivor it hit pretty hard – I haven’t experienced partner violence, but I’ve seen my parent’s partner violence, like, I’ve witnessed the exact situation of throwing someone down and having their head hit the edge of the table. It’s a pretty faithful telling of being in an abusive situation when you’re at the bottom of the barrel, at least from my experience and what I’ve heard from other folks. The fact that Fritz isn’t a ‘Good Survivor’ resonates with me really strongly.
I also like the fact that Fritz is bipolar, like – it’s really nice to see a treatment of mental illness where the actions speak for themselves and people aren’t constantly bandying around psychiatry. (Which seems like it has a specific reason for this kid, if Seth’s one monologue was any indication.)
No one here is perfect, everyone needs a hug. I didn’t have a permission slip for this feels trip, but I went on one anyway. Good job, yeah?
Ugh that is such a tactless way to handle a breakdown. But hey, the 90s wasnt exactly the best for mental health care