Posts Tagged comic
On this page, we get to see Fritz in a dress and wig Fritz’ mom.
And GOD Eddie, you’re 15 and you haven’t even gotten to third base yet! You may as well just lay down in the street and die.
i hope you guys like talky pages because that’s what you’re getting.
I could’ve done a whole chapter just about the stuff that’s going on in these flash back pages, so hopefully you guys get the gist of what happening.
That’s like, not even a joke, Ed.
I wanna try and do some double updates this month to make up for my lost time, but I don’t want you guys to hold your breath.
This is last week’s page, expect this week’s in a few days.
I wanted to go with something a bit more… comic book page-y, but I was having a hard time figuring it out. Not crazy about this, but I think it gets the idea across cleanly, and I like super angry butch lesbian Fritz at the bottom there.
this bizarre bus stop dream scrape is the perfect place for your coming out, Ed.
Here is this week’s page! Lets see if I can draw the last 3 pages of this chapter before i have to move at the end of the month! 😀
This chapter is winding down now, either one more page or two more pages. I need to rework the next couple pages and see if i can make them a little faster to draw, as my drafting table and desk are being moved to my new place in a couple days ahaha
And that’s the end of that chapter! Man, I feel like I’ve been working on this one all year… the next couple weeks, we’ll be able to enjoy some guest content, and then chapter seven!
This week’s guest comic is by the fabulous Mady G! A talented cartoonist, who’s art can be found on their personal site or on their Art Tumblr! Thanks a lot, Mady!